Made in Hawaii...Say What?

So, made in hawaii is thrown around a lot...technically anything that derives 51% of it's value here in Hawaii is considered made in Hawaii. We try to be upfront with what we do in our shop and what is better left to someone with true manufacturing chops. For instance, I don't make the rubber/plastic portion of the phone cases (no one does in the states) but we complete all the woodworking and assembly etc, etc, etc. This easily qualifies for made in Hawaii.
The watches get a little more complex. I do the design drawings and spec out all the parts and functions but Hawaiian watch movements are notoriously slow (jk they don't exist) and we don't have sapphire crystal factories lined up on the beach. So the parts must be sourced from all over the place. We finish the wood portion and have a factory install it in our waterproof design...(they have the equipment to get it right). Then we take over the final assembly with bands, packaging etc. These don't qualify for made in Hawaii as the parts cost too much.
Hope that clarifies the Made in Hawaii market a little more and how all our product designs have varying degrees of work done in our shop.